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With The Cameron Method

Q. I understand there are two kinds of stress, a bad kind and a good kind. What are the differences?
A. One is harmful, dysfunctional. It ranges in consequence from the unpleasant to the fatal. The other can motivate and inspire, even strengthen you.

Q. How can I recognize harmful stress?
A. It's a matter of your perception of challenge. This is determined by your belief about a situation, what it means, and what you believe you can or cannot do about it.

Q. Is there a formula for successfully avoiding or getting rid of harmful stress?
A. Yes. If you can take effective action to counter the threat, and are willing and able to pay the price of doing so, go for it. Either physically remove the threat, or remove yourself from it.

Q. But what if I believe I can't take effective action? What if I'm not willing to suffer the consequences of doing so? Then what?
A. You must find a way to reframe it, get another paradigm, shift your perception, or change your belief about what's going on and what you can or should do about it.

Q.How can I change my belief? Aren't we stuck with the facts?
A. The stress is there because of your interpretation of the facts. With the Cameron Method, you can change that interpretation. And you can learn the Releasing Strategy technique to use on your own to remove or deflect stress as it comes.

The Releasing Strategy: It Works

The Releasing Strategy is described in the book on the subject by Sharon Cameron. You can read a summary of it here and, if you like, order your copy.

Here's an overview. This strategy employs specially organized Releasing Statements. They are like the reverse of affirmations, only they are more powerful and can have more immediate and lasting effect.

A Releasing Statement is directed at what is unacceptable or what you fear about a situation or person. The closer it gets to pinpointing the source of stress the better.

You say any given Releasing Statement aloud, just once. You don't need to repeat it unless you have trouble saying it. That's all that's needed when you have framed it right. (To be on the safe side, we like to "hit it" from a number of different conceptual angles. Just once for each.)

Example: You're upset about the illness of a loved one. Repeat aloud these statements from the list below:

  • I release my belief, perception and judgment that (name)______ won't recover (or recover fast enough).
  • I release all fear of being unable to help the way I should.
  • I release my belief, perception and judgment that some way won't be found to help _______ get well.
  • I release my belief, perception and judgment that recovery is impossible.
  • I release my unwillingness to put ___________'s illness in the hands of God.
  • I release my belief, perception and judgment that my prayers won't help.
  • I release all need or desire to go on feeling stressed by this situation.
  • I release my belief, perception and judgment that I should do more than I can.
  • I release my belief, perception and judgment that my suffering helps _______.
  • I release all need or desire to go on punishing myself for _______'s illness and my inability to change things.
  • I release my unwillingness to deal with _______'s illness.

Now look at your ongoing self-talk about the problem. Is there anything important you're telling yourself about it that's not covered in the Releasing Statements above? If so, aim a Releasing Statement to cover it.

How Does the Releasing Strategy Work?

Letting go of negative or limiting beliefs is suggested in scientific, spiritual as well as mental health and peak performance literature. It's the healthy thing to do. However, few sources really have a system to achieve it. This part of The Cameron Method can be pure magic. Try it and see. (You'll get more info in the book by Sharon Cameron.).

The real challenge in having Releasing work lies with your basic perception of a threat. If you are off target in designating what's really bothering targeting what is really threatening you...then it won't be as effective.

Unfortunately, much of the time we humans have a considerably less than brilliant grasp of what's really bothering us. That's often because some old childhood or or other threat-response tape may be running that has been triggered by some current stimulus which resembles the original. And our conscious mind is unaware of this unconscious connection or source.

The Best Solution: Contact Sharon Cameron to discuss your goals for an appointment in person or by phone.

In session, you'll experience our special Ideomotor Questioning technique to cut through to the source of your problem and find out what's really going on and uncover your unique reasons why. The basis in your inner mind may be very different from the version you've been consciously aware of, and after these real reasons are identified, we'll remove those emotional splinters from your inner mind.

Order your own CompuMind software program. It will be your facilitator, confessor and lifelong intimate friend. And it will support you day after day as you deal with the stressors that life jabs you with. And do get Sharon's book. It is a true support companion for the process.

Once you get this simple procedure down to an automatic reaction, you'll be totally amazed at your ability to handle just about any kind of stress under all kinds of circumstances. The Releasing Strategy---Part II of The Cameron Method---is direct and easy to use. Wherever you're going in life, and whatever bumps you may hit along the way, it can help you get there stress free!

Note: If you have someone you care about who can benefit from Stress Release feel free to pass along our URL.

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